Archive for 4k

Thank You Carolyn Veek Courtesy of the Evansville Review. Subject :4K and Lazy Parents.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on April 27, 2014 by chasinthenews

IMG_0001                         This is what I have said all along.   LAZY PARENTS THINK they need 4k.   Lazy, Lazy, unmotivated parents.    The only positive thing about Evansville now having 4k is they can STOP talking about 4k.

SO NOW that Evansville has 4k we will all expect and are entitled to see GREAT things.  Top of chart test scores,  responsible, outgoing, social children..  Children graduating early because 4k has just given them that much of a boost.


Because you know 4K  is going to save the world.  O.K.  maybe not the world,  but the Evansville School District.

What a joke.


Thank you to Kelly Gildner as well for publishing that because it’s not to often anymore that she publishes letter to the editors.  She is picky about the letters she publishes.  So thank you to her.



This letter to the editor is from the Evansville Review the week of April 21st 2014

Did you get your survey from the E.C.S.D.? Why a referendum when you have a MILLION plus in the fund balance.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on February 3, 2014 by chasinthenews



Oh my goodness, where to start.

I got a chance to read this survey over the weekend.

It’s funny how they do not even put an estimate in for the costs of 4k.   They did for other things they want.   But not for 4k.

Every  thing that I read on that survey, with the exception of the junior high is a want, not a need.

Yes the curriculum is a need as are the updates to computers and software.   But these things need to be paid for out of the budget.

The last time I knew they have a MILLION plus in the fund balance.   They could pay for 4k out of the fund balance.   They could upgrade the curriculum and computers and software through the fund balance.  They have the money.

More pay for teacher’s and to attract good teachers? Well maybe you could keep and attract more teachers if administration treated them better.

I know for a fact the moral at the junior high and high school, the moral has been awful for a long time.  It’s not all about money,  it’s about how they are treated.

I also think Evansville does need to implement merit pay,  pay the teachers who really deserve it more and let the others work for it.  But regardless it needs to come out of the budget.

The majority of the questions on this survey shows they have serious budgeting issues.

Why go to referendum and raise taxes when you have the money.     The Evansville school district is the highest taxed district in the county and they want to add more?


Throwing money at this district is not going to help it.  The things they need to fix are internal things and only then will real change happen.


The link below gives more information on this survey as well.


GazetteXtra | Evansville survey to aid in referendum discussion

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on January 28, 2014 by chasinthenews

Everyone should be getting this in their mail box this week.  If you do not please call the school district or contact Kelly Mosher at 608-882-3387 or

So they are thinking about going to a referendum?   I think Jerry Roth has had this on his mind since day one of him taking the position of school superintendent.

The district does have many WANTS.   There is such a difference between wants and needs.

Survey questions include whether residents would support increasing taxes to give more salary and benefits for employees, upgrading curriculum and technology, whether a police liaison officer should be hired and whether the middle school built-in 1921 should be renovated or replaced”. – See more at:
Survey questions include whether residents would support increasing taxes to provide more salary and benefits for employees, upgrading curriculum and technology, whether a police liaison officer should be hired and whether the middle school built in 1921 should be renovated or replaced. – See more at:
Survey questions include whether residents would support increasing taxes to provide more salary and benefits for employees, upgrading curriculum and technology, whether a police liaison officer should be hired and whether the middle school built in 1921 should be renovated or replaced. – See more at:

Really more salary for employees and benefits?  Really?  What happened to Act 10?   No way.   Employee salary and benefits need to come from the regular budget .  You can not expect Evansville tax payers to thinks its o.k. to pay for daily/monthly/ yearly expenses from a referendum.  They need to budget better.

Money for upgrading curriculum and technology.    Yes it would be nice to see the district move into this decade.   The computers and software are really  old.

Renovate or Replace the junior high?    Yes the district needs a new junior high.   There is so much wrong with the current building its disturbing.

A police liaison?  Just make administration behave and you would not need a police liaison.  It’s a black eye on the district that they would even consider this as the high school and junior high already think the police dept is at their personal employees.   Just make administration behave, that is where the trouble starts.

4k?    It is really is not fair to carry out 4k when there are so many needs in the district, which that point has been expressed by many already.   4k is a want, not a need as there are other options parents can seek out.    A good quality daycare, with 4k curriculum .  Because that is all 4k is , is daycare with a good curriculum.  4k is a want.

The district needs to take care of the students it already has, which it is not doing.

My aunt , uncle and cousins live in Evansville as well and asked me what I thought.  I told my uncle that I thought 4k and a new junior high were things people do need to consider.  The rest of these wants need to come out of the budget.  But if they are going to lump them all into one referendum I would vote no.

The only pressing issue I see from the questions I am aware of is the need for a new junior high.  Even with that if the district will continue to have declining enrollment is it better to just renovate the current building and hold off on building?

The district lost 100+ students this year to open enrollment.  They need to fix some thing internally before more money gets thrown at them.

The fact they want to include some of these items in the referendum shows everyone they have a problem budgeting.

They really need to sit down and make a plan and stick with it.  So far all they have shown is they have a list of wants,not needs.

Dad Is (Mostly) Totally Honest On 11-Month-Old Daughter’s Daycare Questionnaire == Today 4k … tomorrow infants..

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on January 13, 2014 by chasinthenews



I am glad to see this dad did not take it seriously.  Good grief.