Archive for Evansville school district

Best laugh I have had in a while.. regarding the Evansville School District.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on January 29, 2015 by chasinthenews

wpid-20150129_065952_000.jpgwpid-20150129_064156_000.jpgTHEY really have to stop picking Kim Katzenmeyer to lead any discussion on good behavior. She does not know the definition.  I have included part of the Evansville School Boards agenda packet.  Read what good old Kim had to say .  Evidently Kim is part of the employee compensation committee.  The question was asked  ” What makes a good educator? ”   This is what this committee put together in regards to that question. ( see inserts above.” Its all laughable because Kim in particular does not know or follow some of the talking points that put into answering that question.


Like ‘ treating students with dignity.”    She is a horrible teacher,  and very disrespectful to students.   She is known as the ‘ bitch’ around school because of how she treats students.    AS for motivation ?   NO she tells certain students they will never graduate when they do not do what she wants them to.  She bullies them.   That is not motivation.

The teachers in the E.S.D. are very frightened by merit pay.    It will eventually happen and they know it.

Quite of few teachers in the E.S.D. would never make it in a larger school district, example.. .like the Madison School District.   In the Madison School District teachers are held accountable for their words and actions .  Teachers in the Madison School District have to show results and excuses are not tolerated.   Kim Katezenmeyer would never last in a district where teachers are held accountable.  I think that is why she and others stay in the E.S.D. as they know they would be fired in any larger district.  The Madison School district, high schools in particular rank high in state standards academically and well the Evansville School district??   You can not even find them on the map to academic success.


You can find the full school board packet  at

OE June 19 Agenda.pdf—– Open Enrollment Committee.. looking into WHY people are fleeing the E.S.D….

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on July 15, 2014 by chasinthenews




Finally , maybe the Evansville School district will get some where.     I LOVE THE TWO COMMITTEE MEMBERS THAT WERE CHOSEN.

Melissa and Amanda.

IF ever there were two people who will show results , and figure out why Evansville is losing so many students , they will.


I wonder what administration will do if they come back and report that administration is part of the problem.   Because it is.

What will Jerry Roth do ??      Bury it?    Claim they need to start over ..    that is often what he does when he does not like what he

is being told.


The numbers of families fleeing the district has grown every year for the last 5+ years…   over a million plus is loses the last couple of years.

It’s about attitude and administration has a horrible attitude.


So glad no family is stuck in any district that does not work…   and Evansville does not work.








OE June 19 Agenda.pdf.

June 25 board packet.pdf–111 Liberty St??

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on July 15, 2014 by chasinthenews



Property at 111 liberty street????  Is for sale and the school was contacted about this?

Does any one else remember when Mr.and Mrs. Willoughby  offered property right next to the middle school?   At a very nice price?

The district needs to decide what they are going to do with that Junior High.   If they are going to build in the next 10 years there is no reason to buy more land.

IF they are only going to remodel and update then  push building new right off the table,   then maybe it should be considered.

There is so very much that needs to be done to that Junior High that I do not know if remodeling really should be an option.

IF only we could see into the future and see what enrollment would look like.




June 25 board packet.pdf.

Parent: Why I can’t ‘in good conscience’ leave my kids in public school

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on June 4, 2014 by chasinthenews



I will remind everyone that public schools put them selves in that place.   IF schools including, Evansville were not graduating kids who can not read and write at grade level.

Clearly all schools have done it for years.     Public schools have taken money from the government year after year without having to prove they are accomplishing any thing.

They are now being held accountable.   Teacher’s are finally being held accountable.   They do not like it .

What is the best way to measure success of our students?    I am not sure there is one solid answer to that.   But to do nothing is not an option.




Parent: Why I can’t ‘in good conscience’ leave my kids in public school.

Heartbreaking video shows how bullying affects 8-year-old girl; third-grader starts campaign to support bullied kids – NY Daily News

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on May 15, 2014 by chasinthenews


THIS is the Evansville School District Exactly.   They tell the kids to ignore it.  They tell the kids not to talk about it.( which by the way is illegal, it’s called ‘intimidating a witness.)  They blame the victim.    We know this for a fact as we went to Scott Everson and Brian Cashore over and over and they did nothing.  They did nothing except to tell our daughter to ignore it .   A couple of her friends also went to Cashore and Everson about bullying complaints and were also told to ignore it.  One being threatened with the police.


The Evansville School District, Wi  does a horrible job with bullying issues.  Always has, always will be they are nothing but bullies themselves.


Some teachers and staff at the Evansville High School are also bullies.   They can really be quite cruel.







Heartbreaking video shows how bullying affects 8-year-old girl; third-grader starts campaign to support bullied kids – NY Daily News.

Security and communication from the Evansville School District.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on May 6, 2014 by chasinthenews



One of the questions on the recent survey was about how you feel the Evansville School District does a good job communicating.  I believe it also asked how you would want communication from the Evansville School District.??   I think it asked how,  its been a while.

I was telling a friend that I have been absolutely shocked at how  well Madison Schools communicate with parents compared to Evansville.  When there is some thing they want us to know they  email the information to us,  put out a robo call with the information, and mail us a letter.    They are doing their best to miss no one.  Because sadly not everyone has a phone or internet connection.  So they cover it all the way around.  They try to miss no one.

I giggled when I first get the email, then robo call, then a day or two later a letter in the mail.   But at least they are trying.   The Evansville School District has done a poor job of even trying to communicate with parents.

One of the last things that happened while our son was going to McKenna Middle School was it was time for parent teacher conferences.  I had no idea.  Why?  Because we had gotten nothing from them.   When I asked about why I never got a letter I was told  ”  ______ is doing really well , we do not need to see you.  ”    I was stunned.  What if I had questions and wanted to see them?   Parents had no say in this ?

But the point being is I did not even know about parent teacher conferences because no letter came home , no email,   no phone call.

Schools can not just trust kids to bring things home.  They know better than that.    They need to make more of an effort.  It’s not a hard thing to do. They have just never felt the need to do it.   The attitude seems to be the less parents know the better.


I am hoping with a new board members , to back up some of the board members  who have tried to bring change.    It will finally happen.


Recently while talking with one of the principals at Madison West I told them that I feel that my kids are as safe at Madison West  as they ever were in Evansville.

Madison West High School is a school of over 4000 students,   and my kids are as safe or safer than they were in Evansville.

Quite simply they are.    Madison West and other Madison schools put a lot of time and money into security.

From the survey results we know people in Evansville would back security up dates.

What I do not understand is why so many adults/parents have such a hard time of understanding they have to check in at the office before walking any where in the school.

I absolutely hope that the Evansville School District does put in some sort of buzzer/security system so know one gets in to the schools with out some one knowing there is a non-staff/student person in the building.   There are several other security issues they could implement that would not be that expensive .

Like locks on all classroom doors.   When my son and daughter were going to J.C. Mckenna I was surprised to learn teachers could not even lock them selves in their own classroom’s if there was an emergency.

Security is so important I hope if this question ends up on the referendum the people of Evansville fully support it.   How can you not?


April 9 Board Packet.pdf

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on April 9, 2014 by chasinthenews

April 9 Board Packet.pdf.

April 9 board agenda.pdf

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on April 6, 2014 by chasinthenews

I will post the packet when they do.


I noticed on this agenda recognition of Mason and Dennis for their time served on the board.

Dennis did a fantastic job while on the board.   It is not a easy job.   HE gave a lot of his time.  Thank you Dennis.   Just a super nice guy.


Mason..   well it was a short run.  But the knowledge he brought to the board was very much needed.   Mason has held a position in public service for years.  For many years at the city level and now the school district.    I want to thank him.   I have had my issues with Mason on different things .  But Mason was always willing to talk to anyone who questioned what the city or school was doing.   People may not like what he had to say/did not agree.  But as far as I know he never turned anyone away that had a question.   He put in many hours and research on different issues.   He deserves our thank you.   I was surprised he did not win another round on the board.   But I also think it was time for some new eyes and voices on the board.   Thank you Mason not just for the time on the board but also your time as a City Alderman.   Thank you to his wife as well because he put in a lot of hours.


They are also having a discussion on a alternative high school education discussion.   CAN we please discuss first the behavior of Scott Everson and Brian Cashore?   IF they maybe behaved and did not stalk and bully kids maybe there would be NO need for this.      Neither one knows how to run a school.

I plan on sharing our personal experience with them in the near future.  A story of night and day.


HOW EVER…    IN MADISON they have many options for students who are not finding success in the regular classroom.  They have classes that start at 8am that go to 3:36.  That is when the majority of kids go.    BUT they also have classes that go from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. ..  they also have regular night school.     Their summer school program is out standing from what I have been told with many options.

I think the biggest question would be how many kids are going to get to go to the alternate school program?   YOU CAN NOT MAKE THEM.. after how they are treated by Scott Everson and Brian Cashore why should they?   


There are so many options out there for getting a high school diploma ..  kids who are stalked and bullied by teachers and administration  do not need the Evansville School district.




April 9 board agenda.pdf.

February 26 Board Packet.pdf

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on February 26, 2014 by chasinthenews


Already seeing teacher resignations coming in for the end of the year.



February 26 Board Packet.pdf.

Stoughton School District hooked on referendums, will the Evansville School District follow?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on February 26, 2014 by chasinthenews

With certain items more than likely going to referendum in the next year for the Evansville school district,  it was interesting to hear that the Stoughton school district already has a referendum on the ballot for April 1st.   Stoughton just had a referendum in 2010.   WHY is Stoughton  having another referendum?   Because they seem to think they can not run , with out more money.  In the 4 years since the last Stoughton school district referendum they have:

  • Eliminated another 11 positions
  • Refinanced debt
  • Held down health insurance premiums
  • Continued energy efficiency improvements

Before they held the referendum in 2010 they :  *** from their web page...

Prior to 2010 referendum, we reduced expenses by $3.5 million through steps such as:

  • Eliminated 68 positions
  • Closed Yahara Elementary School
  • Instituted energy efficiency improvements



What has the district done with the money from the 2010 referenda?


The community in 2010 supported both an operational and a maintenance referendum. The maintenance referendum enabled us to address critical repair needs, and we were able to stretch those dollars even further by acting as our own project manager instead of hiring a firm to do that work for us.


The operational referendum allowed us to withstand historic cuts in state funding and yet improve the quality of education we provide. Some of the highlights include:

  • Built 97% graduation rate — one of the best in the county
  • Boosted ACT to their highest in almost two decades
  • Expanded college credit options
  • Strengthened workforce development programs
  • Partnered with MIT and local foundations and businesses to build state-of-the-art digital fabrication laboratory
  • Gained national recognition for our innovative inclusive teaching approach


SAD THAT EVANSVILLE IS UNLIKELY TO DO ANY OF THESE THINGS WITH THE REFERENDUM MONEY.   I will also add that Stoughton has a excellent Science program at their high school.


They ~ Stoughton ~ are ‘ threatening to cut 33 staff positions and programs such as reading intervention/early reading programs if this referendum does not pass.

The question many are asking is , are they going to be back in another 4 years asking for more money?   Maybe they should be making these staff cuts.  Clearly if they are threatening to make staff cuts they have thought about what they would do with out these staff members.

OR is it like in Evansville when Evansville started laying off teachers in the last few years they found as they looked at class numbers ,  they were a tad over staffed.

That the number of students in some classes did not support having that class anymore.   That some teachers were being paid FULL TIME  wages when really they only ” Worked”   part-time,  it terms of how many classes they actually had.

Some of this ‘ over staffing’ was because of declining enrollment , some was because no one had really paid attention to the class numbers in a long time.

SO is Evansville going to have to go to referendum in another few years because they have not learned how to budget or make cuts on the money they have.  WITH declining enrollment there is no good excuse for this.

I WAS glad to see the numbers on the survey for the question would you support “

–Additional funding to retain and attract employees: 49 percent said “yes,” 27 percent said “no,” and 24 percent were undecided/needed more information. – See more at: ..
THAT leaves 51% of people who would not commit to paying more to retain and attract employees..  NOR should they, that money should come from the budget because after the referendum money runs out HOW are you going to keep paying them?
AS I was told people who vote undecided/ need more information tend to vote NO on referendums.    This” additional funding” like the ” police liaison should be dead.
The person who told me that people who vote undecided/need more information usually vote no, is some one who does this for a living,  I believe that this information was relayed to Jerry Roth and the school board as well.
Schools have to learn to budget and live on what they have, especially with declining enrollment.    I will say some of these maintenance issues, and need for updated curriculum are things that should have been done years ago.  WHY have they board/administration  been putting so much money in the fund balance instead of fixing and purchasing the things they need.
Once again congrats to those who took the time to fill out the survey.   It’s the same as voting , you do not get to complain if you do not participate.