Who to cheer for?? Sea Hawks and Russell Wilson or the Bronco’s.



This is who I believe will be in the Super Bowl.   I do think the game between the Sea Hawks and San Fran will be a tough one, but the stats favor the Sea Hawks.

I like Peyton Manning.  He seems like a very nice person.   He is very dedicated to his craft and one can not help but admire him.  I think Indy screwed him, but as I have been told by many, its a business.    I  do think he will be retiring in the next year or two so it would be nice for him to get another ring.

But Russell Wilson he is just  a very nice person,  very talented and he has worked very hard.

My sister in law who is a former Bronco’s fan who we recruited to be a Packer fan, thinks I should be cheering for the Bronco’s.  Because she has become a die-hard Packer fan, but the Bronco’s will always have a special place in her heart.

I think it’s so baloney how the sports analysts talk about the Packer- San Fran game like San Fran blew them out.  It was a very close game and could have gone either way.


There are just a few weeks left of football..


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