Archive for Rebecca Kleefisch

What if the New Governor says ” No way.”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on January 26, 2012 by chasinthenews


There are a lot of people assuming Gov.Walker is going to recalled.  I can not stand the guy,  I never voted for him to begin with and never would.

There is going to have to be a strong candidate running against him, and so far I see none.     We really need Russ Feingold to run.   That would almost guarantee a successful recall.

If walker is recalled and there is a new Governor.    What happens if this new Governor says ” No Way we are not going back to collective bargaining..”    I read a article on line this week stating  how much the State is saving by ending collective bargaining.    What if the new Governor points out we can not afford to go back.

There are a lot of people out there who are assuming get rid of walker and collective bargaining will come back.

There is no guarantee of that.   I will vote against him not just because of the collective bargaining issue  but also because the man is a crook, a liar , and has a devastating agenda for Wisconsin.


But Green County schools are lowering their tax levy?    How?   Could it be walker’s plan is working for them?   I am interested in knowing how they are doing this.

Evansville’s tax levy   has gone up the last couple of years and more than likely will next year.   There are no easy fixes for the mess they are in.


Scott Walker is bad for Wisconsin.


Please Russ Feingold run for Governor , give us 4 years.    It would so be a slam dunk.


Walker’s terminaton letter

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on October 27, 2011 by chasinthenews


To:          Scott Walker

From:    The People of Wisconsin

Date:     May 15, 2011

Re:         Termination of Employment

CC:         Rob Cowles, Alberta Darling, Dan Kapanke, Randy Hopper, Sheila Harsdorf, Luther Olsen, Rebecca Kleefisch, JB Van Hollen, Ron Johnson

BCC:       Adrian Grimes, Andy Ford and the band Hell’n’Ade


Mr. Walker:


This memo is to inform you that your employment by the People of Wisconsin will be terminated in 2012 via recall, in accordance with Article XIII, Section 12 of the Wisconsin Constitution.


This termination is taking place because your actions in office are vulgar, deceitful, divisive, offensive and mean to so many Wisconsinites you supposedly govern.  The actions of you and your supporters have made an unpatriotic stain on yourselves, Wisconsin and this entire country.  They prove you to be people of ignorance, malfeasance and small intellect, unfit to lead or represent us.


Your pink slip is below.  Click on it and listen to many more reasons you must go.  With the exception of Teabag, the now lame horse you rode in on, no transition, relocation or other assistance will be offered to you by us.  Because you are not represented by a union, this decision is final, and subject to no further appeal or discussion.


Truly wondering if you can sleep at night,


The People of Wisconsin




I Did Feel Bad For Davidson…